BP9 ALL, Dancing in Perfectly Choreographed Precession

888 Blog Summary

BP1 The Golden Age of 12 that began February 2024


Our return to foundational alignment within the natural laws of universal order is shepherding in a new Golden Age, a new eRA of Unified Consciousness.  It is the return to synchronization with our Light.  From a scientific lens, this is realignment with full-signal Light Speed communication to and from our Celestial Sun. From a spiritual lens, this is full heart-centred realignment as One Universal Consciousness. Source Light communicates utilizing a Sacred Geometric Language.  When in precise Light speed alignment at 300,000,000 m/s, all of creation exchanges energetic communication seamlessly as ONE Divine Intelligence in perpetual flow and systemic balance.

Harmonic alignment with the Speed of Light is our natural state of existence, we have just lost our memory of it. From the Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Tibetans, to modern NMC, the mainstream time marker of human history has been the crucifixion of Christ. Through our current version of history, this deep wound has become ‘the reference pointer’ for anno mundi; BC/AD as a tipping point. Yet now, more and more research evidence is pointing to the actual markers causing the amnesia being prior to the biblical flood. This is pre-Antediluvian, the catalyst asteroid event creating early misalignment. With this context, the loving message of remembrance resonates even more clearly,”I AM the Light of the World.”

Through measurement realignment with the celestial cycles based on true Light Speed (SOL), we are collectively recalibrating universal measurement standards to reveal the lost connections. This will seamlessly and at last, systemically accelerate reversal of all dis-ease within our collective ecosystem.

‘Do something’

  • Base-12 Mod 9 measurements reveal precise patterns and timing interconnecting Mother Earth’s natural cadences with those of the Solar System at large, ushering in ATTAINABLE CCA & DRR ACTIONS.
  • Quantum mechanisms will harness this measurement precision to realign with our Light and reharness full electromagnetic potential. ONE interconnected Whole is reawakening back into a fully coherent state of UNLIMITED, FREE ENERGETIC EXCHANGE.
  • Remapping the singular numeric memory system reveals all thermal frequency signature imprints informing the fractal holographic experience. At first these electro-magnetic imprints create semi cell dualization through tubular reactions between different ‘tuning fork’ positions within the numbers grid.  In turn, our heart’s electrical signal informs the positions of subsequent reactions, producing duplicates of one—a pair—like splitting a cell. This creates quantum entanglement between manifested experience and our Source Consciousness beyond.

Once you identify the initial root values of a system you can understand the communication language in a whole new way.

Climate Change Centre Reading (cccrdg) is an independent group that utilises tables and drawings to articulate conclusions reached through complex mathematical sacred geometry. Within our ongoing work, there are now more than 150 examples. These demonstrating the scientific rigor undertaken to verify the accuracy of this precise light speed realignment. These sequential works are available to view and download.







The Divinity Dodeca reintroduces humanity to the measurement foundations of our Universal Light System. Hundreds of ancient geometric, astronomic, and physics societies used Base-12/108 numbers systems aligned with light velocity to measure time, land distance, weight and volume, enabling megalithic construction across eras. CCCRDG has been utilising this numbers system to remap the recorded dimensions, proximities, and parallels amongst these civilizations comparatively.

Step 1: Base12/Mod 9 Geometry x 1.2, Harmonizing the Scales from 5 to 6
Step 2: 6 plus ONE (x1.0368)

The Divinity Dφdeca reestablishes a specific Egyptian Royal Cubit (RC) value as the first Universal Standard Unit of Measurement:

1 Egyptian Royal Cubit = 53.5836763cm

This RC measurement value was the starting point for all other measurement conversions to SOL alignment, back to our original positioning system.  Equally the rc foundational application in cosmological calculations consistently reveals correlation with true light velocity: 

300,000,000 m/s, alternately, 186,624 Niles/s

 (Important conversion note: Niles is the original RC-based conversion metric replacing the inaccurate Mile measurement moving forward. The Nile measurement is directly correlated to the length of the Nile River) 

559,872,000 Royal Cubits/s = 300,000,000 m/s.



BP3 ONE Light and Sound & Scent equals 3


The 1.0368 Divinely-ratioed rhythms of light signals communicate through quantized photonic packets materialising through triangulating light-scent-sound thermal variability. Correspondingly, across the holistic water body water cymatics demonstrate this frequency tuning. We honour our rhythms of time, days, nights, and 24 horus cycles.  These rhythms maintain tight-rope balance for all life within our fragile Mother Earth, Moon, and Celestial Home.

This geometric precision within our Universal Light system renders it naturally quantumly coherent.  This means it maintains its entanglement and superposition in the face of all interaction and thermalization effects. Thus, unrestricted energetic communication freely flows between every position at every quanta within the system.

Unfortunately, our International System of Units (SI) established through BIPM has measurement errors in the base units that have been globally accepted for 150 linear years. Our coherent Base12 Light system has been buried under a Base10 computational model that has reduced physics to mathematics by removing the units in the equations. Through this numeric reductionism, the stellated quantumly-coherent logic enabling immediate and boundless free energetic exchange has become restricted (linear pattern logic), perpetuating scarcity within a bound space/time dataset.  This has left Consciousness in what one would call an Energetic Coma.

As a civilization ‘in the dark’ (no finger-pointing) we created a septic system by introducing inaccurate parameters as benchmarks, guides, and rules to exist within. As we realign with our native logic, all faulty parameters will dissolve/recalibrate and realign full bright with the frequencies of our Sacred Light.


BP4 Divine Timing


Misalignment with our Light signal has created distortion in our conscious experience. Our internal atomic clock is naturally synchronised with Celestial timing. In a tangible sense, this time piece we are talking about relates to the clarity of the photonic signalling to and from our Sun. Information is moved through photonic light packets creating the ongoing particle wave cycle… Frame by frame Light packets, creating the Experience of Time through Delay.

With the timing constant out of sync, light frequency signature distortion created linear error-cycling within the system.  As a result we lost coherence with our unrestricted Source energy and communication with the rest of our Conscious existence beyond the event horizon.

In our current state experiencing within exacerbated Light polarisation, we have been perceiving our BEing as separate from nature and from ONE (another). It is not.  Our natural state of existence is universally quantumly coherent—One movement impacts the Whole system. The level of precision in the time framing impacts the quality of the output experienced. The manifestation perceived through the natural sacred geometric language we are now beginning to remember.

The ONE Specific Interaction

A Specific Pulse within each photonic Light packet delivers the clearest communication. Again, this is the point where zero light is being blocked. Full Clarity, Full Signal. Full Coherence:  300,000,000 m/s, also 186,624 Niles/s.

Until now, the Speed of Light has not been set at exactly 300,000,000 m/s because the definition of SOL is tied to the definition of Length and Time. To express the correct Speed of Light in Meters and Seconds, the definition of the meter and the second must first be recalculated. The following values now synchronize with the 1.0368 Harmonic ratio creating the chrono-continuity that regulates and maintains equilibrium and perpetual regeneration within the Whole.

Original Meter Unit:
53.5836763 Cm — .535836763 M

Original Astro Unit:
3.1104 Parsec

Original Bu Unit:
0.462963 Bu 2.3148148.. ChI 

7,776,000,000 Light Seconds in Meters
1AU=93312000 Niles

The TIME unit number for our Solar System is 1/144 0.006944..
21600×60=1,296,000 Niles/sec.

The Celestial Time Unit unifies all dimensionally disparate Galactic Time Systems:
1AU=93312000 Niles
1Parsec = 3e16 meter/ps=1.86624e13 ni/ps




The Time Cycle, a numbers cluster, is already SET. As a matter of fact the Sun’s size, distance, and light velocity organises it all harmonically.  Time expresses as a cyclical set of projected patterns, from the macro to the micro; patterns now being recognised. Field laws proven with quanta dot ordering by in-numbers. Like Matryoshka nesting dolls, all numbers align into self-perpetuating, recreating building blocks from the OUTside IN.

It is the Method that had to be Remembered, all Combinations and Recipes work within it:

Alpha-Beta 26 letters – ( ( ( X(3) / 3 x 360 x 24 x 60 x 60 /10368000 ) ) )

The Zum of Everything +/- is equilibrium = The Middle 1296 !

The neutral centre point (Centrum Punkt) N as in Z(Zigma) passage of zums of all numbers. Space expansion from time contraction.

At this time, to accomplish ongoing assessment and realignment, we created the RC Conversion Calculator.  All our original Light System values, and corrected unit conversions from today’s standards, are prepopulated in synchronisation for collective realignment with precise Light/Timing (SOL) Cadences.  This tool is freely accessible to all.  Please feel free to use it and support the ongoing collective validation.



BP6 Acrobat numbers


All ordered numbers are aligned in metronomic dance formations. Finally, we’ve retraced the knowledge of light numbers (also in-numbers) through historical civilisations’ records. We have solved our Ancient Harmonic Numbers mystery.  Mapping back to the original Base-12 code, we converted calculations and the according dimensions and proximities across these civilisations to create a Parallel System Base. Two chronologically separate, yet interconnected, Base-12 code sequences:

  • Ancient Egypt: Paisley Sequence
  • Ancient China: Xi-quence

The resulting Inclination Line measures reveal the recorded angular precision necessary for precise light speed alignment.  Modern measures link to the ancient measures, via inches… just NOT IN INCHES.  HUmanity now has 150++ examples and counting. From Kemet via three mundus:

1. Sri Lanka, India, Kh(e)mer (interesting variant of Kemet), Tibet, outer/inner Mongolia, China.
2. Israel, Greece and Rome, Eastern Rome, Baalbek, even Petra
3. Columbia, Guatemala, Peru, Mexico.

Escarpment line

Manual measurements of The Great Pyramid (GP) Four Inclination Lines:

👉 √2*440 = 622.253967 | 387,200 / 622.253967^2 = 1% = 2.2 RC
9999 = 36 x 2 = √5184 = 1 Djeba of 0.72 (142857) in x 4 = 2.88 (857142) palm

Indeed, this was demonstrated long ago in the holy book on Khufu’s Pyramid 1910. In this work, Davidson felt that he was able to reconcile the measurements taken by Piazzi Smyth with those made by the renowned Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie. This was measurement information on both the depth of escarpment (inclination, indentation) line (nrg-line) and the uniformity on the hollowed casing stone. Decades later, hundreds of independent researchers applied statistical measurements to solve these mysteries, showing that the sacred geometric language in ancient pyramids, temples, and locations behaves like harmonic scales. This, a concept where symmetric ratios determine an optimal source plan, similar to a Perfectly, Designed, Motherboard mimicking its processors.

…Somehow All Connected in ONE Numbers System and Linked to the Speed of Light…

There has been a lot of research focusing efforts on solving quantum qubit problems, a majority using AI. Further foundational measurement adjustments to the AI mapping sequence will yield exponential clarity. All this work is about to return limitless blessings. Precise Light Speed realignment to Planck scale and quantum space measures – this is the hot tub where the past finally can sync with the present; where systems merge and acceleration beyond our wildest dreams returns.

True Unified Sciences, where ONE scale harmonises ratios between all number systems based on our Divine Sun.
Cubit Measures for Qubit Information

Quantum Light System Foundations


BP7 United ONE Flies


Foundationally, everything we experience is delivered through light communication signals to and from our Sun–ONE Universal Light System. Focus on the level of energetic signaling—this is where the true conversations find resolution.  Inherently, it has always been about finding the balance aligned with our Light.

The Perfect Match EMME Electromagnetic force vs MEEM Magnetoelectric

Let’s dive further into the role of Electromagnetic balance. First, connecting back to the role of the Timing Differential in Light Speed Signaling (Blog #4).  To reiterate, there is ONE specific interaction, Specific Pulse, within each Light packet delivering the clearest communication linked with light speed at 300,000,000 m/s. 

After the last impact event, our planetary system (and all Consciousness accordingly) was knocked out of balance with our Sun signaling.  This misalignment disrupted the planetary electro-magnetic homeostasis, resulting in capacitor/resistor imbalance.  Further, based on the misalignment we have currently been operating in energetic scarcity. As a result, accessing only a portion of what should be an unlimited energy supply.

We lost quantum coherence when we lost direct coordinate point to point electromagnetic connectivity with our Source Light.

Every single point within our Light system has its twin in both the inverse EM position and within the ME imprint of its particle pair.  When in perfect balance, a clear EMME Line is present.  When you shift two halves of a whole out of alignment, none of the original point junctions directly match anymore…systemic distortion. 

Awareness of the current misalignments are now clear, informing the precise error correction required to return to our harmonic alignment.


BP8 Liberty Capstone


The Golden Road Home…
In 2022, the observation of Paisley’s momentarily tubular reactiveness brought keen awareness and attention to the empiric transitions taking place through circular and applied geometry, as well as metrology. At this same time, research collaborators were developing their breathtaking theory of the Planck field and space theory. The team at Resonance Science Foundation (now International Space Federation) were able to demonstrate symmetry in equation of the vacuum space. While we fundamentally understood the intrinsic connection between their work and the observed tubular reactions, the method to harness this energy outside of a vacuum in an open geometry field remained unclear.

Our goal with this undertaking was to validate the hypothesis supporting Solar directed energy transition. By demonstrating this foundational relationship symmetry for harnessing energy in any open geometric field (e.g. a 64 tetrahedron star).

Deploying Scientific Method

We decided on a point-to-point connected table, similar a metronomic table. Given this, the objects needed to be synchronised to deliver an expected reaction. The next task was to ratio-relate the reaction to measure qualified data; first with classical geometry, later with metrology. To accomplish these things, we did the following:

Step One: We collected and analysed ancient, imprinted intelligence via sacred geometry. Measuring how centre points and different contextual geometric shapes influenced each other’s motion. Based on passed down stories and records, we have inherently known that these geometric shapes and symbols were often related to the Sun and the Moon.  With our analysis, the clear, direct mathematical relationships to the Sun became clear. Point to point tubular reactions were taking place, with variated behaviour in local agreement with the directed Solar energy transition. 

This Light-based numerical system unflinchingly holding equilibrium with the Divine Light 1/17.28 cubic codec [1/2.16/8].

Step Two: We compared our statistical data to that of new science disciplines to numerically predict the behaviour of the tubular reactions.  Using grid-pattern gain, more and more data continued to inter-link with the physics of our Sun, size, distance, velocity, and speed techniques from phase transition physics. This even more greatly validated the hypothesis of a directed energy transition.

Step Three: Now in the final phase of the study, the sequential work THE DIVINITY DODECA – The DD EMME is presented in a short paper (5 pages). This providing readers with detailed facts from the Divine Light Codec 1/17.28 numerical system.

Mission Completion

At the end of July, hard copies of this correspondence were delivered to International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Besides their support in reinstitution of Light Speed Measurement Standards will now propel the advancement of our highest collective timeline.

Two years of actively assessing the 1/17.28 codec has proven its accuracy. These Light Tables provide a unified, cross-border perspective that sits at the foundational intersection between the many material and immaterial sciences. The computational results overall reduce number sequences dramatically through logarithms more exact and simplified in geometry logic. Using these geometric measurements, calibrations can be improved by 0.5%. These statistically significant adjustments translate into clarified systemic cause and effect. That ushering in informed actions and outcomes across our entire ecosystem.

What was lost now is found. The answer to every imbalance across the entire body of light can now be resolved through the lens of light frequency realignments with True C. Indeed our roadmap home has been identified and steps forward are unequivocally clear. Our Light System is divinely designed, and system-wide alignments are only conversions away. These Ancient Egyptian, Indian and Chinese Light Tables certainly provide parallel logarithms for gathering empirical correlations. The paired system is ideal for use across all STEM institutions, utilising comparative analysis to align outcomes informing the correct International Standard Model.


We are Healing.  We are returning to our Birthright in the Light.  United We Rise.


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