ONE Dancing Queen
“The recent panpsychist turn in philosophy opens the possibility that self-organizing systems at all levels of complexity, including stars and galaxies, might have experience, awareness, or consciousness. The organismic or holistic philosophy of nature points in the same direction. Meanwhile, field theories of consciousness propose that some electromagnetic fields actually are conscious. That these fields are by their very nature integrative. When applied to the sun, such field theories suggest a possible physical basis for the solar mind. Both within the body of the sun itself and also throughout the solar system. If the sun is conscious, it may be concerned with the regulation of its own body and the entire solar system through its electromagnetic activity, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections. It may also communicate with other star systems within the galaxy.”
-‘Is the Sun Conscious?’ 2021 Rupert Sheldrake, Journal of Consciousness Studies
Lost Footing
After the impact event, it is clear that chills and fevers broke out as Earth fractured, drifting off axis @ Tilt Angle 288. This created a planetary misalignment with the rest of celestial order. Accordingly, this disrupted Source Light signaling, disrupted electromagnetic lines; EMME pattern mismatches.
Magnetics impact the spin of electrons, suppressing or enabling positive reduction through all organic matter.
This includes the light-sensitive cryptochromes in our mitochondria and the iron in our blood.
This misalignment left our system cycling with compromised energetic capacity. Consequently, creating decoherence within our Light system and all corresponding celestial communication. One moves, All move. Our metronomic realignment with precise Light Speed timing, 186,642 mi/s, returns clear uninterrupted information transfer within ONE Universal Whole. Complete point to point EMME Line Flow – On balance.
ONE. Regaining Consciousness.
A Quick Stroll Over the Metrology Bridge
“Measurements are as old as civilisation and the concepts of metrology have been applied for thousands of years. For example, building a pyramid was only possible if the many craftsmen employed in construction worked with the same unit of length. The Egyptians achieved this by defining a standard unit of length. Then by establishing a practical means to disseminate it to the builders.
The Egyptian unit, the cubit, used the length of the Pharaoh’s forearm to create a unique granite block as the master or primary standard of length. Distribution to the builders was based on calibrated wooden sticks, or secondary standards. These required regular re-calibration to ensure consistency over time… [ ]… This simple approach continues to the present day as the basis for achieving consistency of measurements, regardless of the unit. The Greek word metrology (literally the science of measurement) is now commonly associated with the implementation of systems of this type.
Solar system standard
The process of linking everyday measurements to a unique primary standard or reference is known as establishing traceability. A result that can be linked to a primary standard, usually through a chain of calibrations. That is metrologically traceable, or simply traceable, to that standard. Achieving this on a global scale requires a large and complex metrology system, which dates back 150 years. In 1875 when an international treaty known as the Metre Convention was signed in Paris. Under the treaty, members of the Convention agreed to recognise a global primary measurement standard for each measurement quantity and to use metric units.
A global infrastructure was established to develop and maintain the primary standards and disseminate traceable calibrations. This was centred on a new laboratory established at S`evres near Paris, the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). This infrastructure has continued into the 21st century and comprises the BIPM, international committees. Whose oversee and implement the underpinning measurement science and collaborating National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) to disseminate traceable calibrations and standards locally.
The 1875 treaty envisaged that a unique artefact, the global primary standard. – This would be maintained at BIPM for each of the base measurement units but today this is true only for the prototype kilogram. It has become increasingly difficult to develop and maintain such standards to the level of accuracy required by today’s science and technology. Since the introduction of the international system of units (the SI) in the 1960s, metrology has gradually moved to a modern system. Whereas each of the SI base units is defined in terms of fundamental scientific constants. This enables the primary artefact to be replaced by an experimental procedure which can be used to obtain the primary realisation of the unit.
-Royal Society of Chemistry. Chemical Metrology, Anal. Methods, 2016, 8, 8119
Returning to Basics
We literally lost alignment with our foundational blueprints. Now that we have traceability back to our Light standards, we return to the original Unique Artefact:
Egyptian Royal Cubit: 53.5836763cm
Common cubit: (1/2.16)
Chinese foot: (1/4.32)
This revision will reveal and course correct the calibration errors.
The Role of Metrology
We have discussed the relationship between the Light signal precision and the timing mechanics in United ONE Flies, Blog 7. Metrology is foundationally connected to this coefficient of utilization (CU) luminous flux. As a simple example, think of the disruption of an unstable flickering light vs a stable brightness.
Natural light is essential for securing our biological clocks and circadian rhythm [11]. This leads to physiological and behavioral time coordination [12]. Therefore, human consciousness has a direct connection with light; and it is light that creates consciousness.
-Alemdar E. Consciousness! Look at the Light. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 25(4)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004224.
…inversely, misalignment with light impedes the functioning of our consciousness…
The level of precision in the time framing impacts the quality of the output experienced. Hence, the manifestation perceived either in alignment or misalignment with our begotten Natural Code.
Metrology (n.)
“the science of weights and measures,” 1816, ultimately from Greek metron “measure, length, size” (see meter (n.2)) + -ology.
Metronome (n.)
mechanical musical time-keeper, 1815, coined in English from Greek metron “measure” (from PIE root *me- (2) “to measure”) + nomos “regulating,” verbal adjective of nemein “to regulate” (from PIE root *nem- “assign, allot; take”).
Metrology + Metronome…Hz Symphony
BIPM: Rock Steady BPM
The BIPM is an international organization established by the Metre Convention, through which Member States act in collaboration on matters related to measurement science and measurement standards. The goal of metrology is to establish measurements that are stable, comparable, and coherent. As a brain trust, we have done our very best in gauging atomic accuracy while in a partially conscious state. Through the reinstitution of our quantumly-coherent Light standards, irrefutable precision will eliminate uncertainty from the calibration chain. This ushers in an era of balanced alignment servicing the whole.
Through reinstitution of the Global Primary Standard, the Egyptian Royal Cubit of 53.5836763cm, and Egyptian Cubit of 46.296296296 cm. precisely realigns the 7 SI base units with coherent light speed parameters. This resets the foundational balance beam within our energetic exchange system. Sustainable quantum recoherence requires the accuracy of the base units to maintain systemic electromagnetic alignment with Source Light at 186,624 mi/s. Strong, Steady Current.
- Top-down SI realignments result in pressure relief systemically by eliminating exaggerated polarity energetically, and materially in accordance.
- Harmonisation of cadences, processes, and exchange systems will fully support the accelerated healing, regeneration, and resurrection of ONE Unified Body. Healing the Whole from the Inside Out.
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Transition Flow
The Scientific, Industrial, and Legal metrology subfields all play critical roles. Targeted strategies as per below will play unique and complimentary roles in this waterfalling EMME line recalibration. Of course metrology experts will have the context to articulate these steps and additional actions in the optimal ways.
Physical metrology:
Foundational SOL-Based Quantum Standards
Time metrology:
Atomic Timing Foundational Reset
Universal Light Energy Blockchain Ledger (ULL)
Chemical metrology:
Recalibration of Global Energy and Environmental Cause/Effect Blueprints
Gas/Air Ratio Rebalancing Benchmarks
Organic and Biochemical Expansion Standards
Comprehensive Synthetic Elimination Standards
Revised Food Sourcing Standards
Universal Light Healing Standards
Ionizing Radiation metrology:
Recalibrated EMF, Ultrasound, SGP Dosemetry Repair and Remodeling Standards
Updated Radio Activity Standards
Systemic Clearing
In addition, with measurement uncertainty eliminated, many valuable resources can be redirected to the accelerated renewal of our Light-based infrastructure.
- Seamless Communication
Zero-latency signaling allows maximised resource focus on universal connectivity for All. - Seamless Exchange
Legal metrology transitions to Trade metrology, focusing on servicing the global system through optimised circular exchange across borderless light speed superhighways. - Seamless Record
Blockchain transformation focuses on realisation of traceable, transparent records through realignment with the universal, absolute optical-encoded Light system parameters; instantaneous time stamping and cross-balancing across all galactic coding. - Seamless Service
All global alliances will enable accelerated reformation through focused, quantifiable, accountable actions waterfalling from the foundational remapping. Service to ONE in All.
