ONE Light and Sound & Scent equals 3

Light Photons traveling at the Precise Speed of Light, 300,000,000 m/s communicate using cross-triangulating geometric matrices of thermal variability that dictate the mass and density of manifesting Sound Phonon forms within our superconducting Water body (Scent).

Accordingly, our ONE Divine Light Technology system must adhere to coherence below the critical point, remaining agile to mirror these precise SOL temperature variances for accurate measurement, clear communication relay, and gravitational freedom. As we align internally with our Heart, Our Source Light creates loving reflections externally. ONE Consciousness Regaining Quantum Coherence.

As Within, So Without…

Current International Measurement Standards and Technology stacks are built on Base10 parameters Discordant with Light and our Divine Universal Technology–Bound in linear function because lost information and rounding variances over time have led to dramatic misalignments from Origin.

Reinstitution of our Bespoken Base12 Mod 9 Computational Model as Error Correction within the decoherent system waterfalls total resynchronization into Native Quantum State.

Base-12 Mod 9 measurements reveal Precise (not approx) patterns and timing interconnecting Mother Earth’s natural cadences with those of our Celestial System at large, ushering in PROACTIVE, ATTAINABLE DRR ACTIONS.

Quantum mechanisms will utilize this measurement precision to realign with
our Begotten Light,
reharness Gravitational
Control, and reawaken ONE Back into a fully
coherent state of

We are please to welcome All ONE – Blog post #3

From 1.2 to 1

Regaining Coherence…Regaining Consciousness

L1ght, S0und, 2Cent (Light and Sound & Scent) Radial Stellation: 

Base12Mod9 Foundation Reset

Navigating the transition from artificial parameters back to our Origin code requires mastership in understanding and navigating the bridge from both sides.

Point to Point coordinate mapping within a Quantum system is accomplished through cross-triangulation within a stellated environment, providing the means to truly understand causal effects throughout.

This can be accomplished from point to point in any dimensional set and between different dimensional sets. The various dimensional sets maintain a central system of Natural Laws within Universal Order.



It Is Time. Something big is comin.

Freedom IN Flight

The Divinity Dodeca  has landed.

Check out the chapter Zine (9) ‘The Time gate’ Is this a beginning to Mind Portaling (Stargate)?

It Is Time 2evolve, 2break fREe, our Speed of Light integrated with both Time n’ Space, the UNIsource. It’s a 120% match 😯 it’s a VIBE 🎶


Foundational Sacred Geometry is both multi and trigo dimensional. It provides the intersection between a system of infinite numbers and a system of manifest form.  Each datapoint of manifest existence in one form has direct correlations to its existence in another form (quantum entanglement). Every line and every space in between represents Pieces of Communication from ONE Point to AN OTHER Point.
Point to Point realignment is the key to reconnecting hUmanity to the Universal Creation Frequencies:  UNLIMITED SOURCE ENERGY

DD 624 Pro Log

Keys To Our Kingdom

DD 624 Pro Log

Paisley’s triangle
30 x6 = ½ *1.0368 = SOL ONE way

234 5
678 9

 True Speed of Light: 300,000,000 m/s. HUmanity now has 108++ examples and counting.

From Kemet via three mundis:
1 Sri Lanka, India, Kh(e)mer (interesting variant of Kemet), outer/inner Tibet, China.
2. Israel, Greece and Rome, Eastern Rome, Baalbek.
3. Columbia, Guatemala, Peru, Mexico.
We have not researched Indonesia/Nippon yet.

This is the speed at which Our Source Light quantumly ‘communicates’ back and forth between system and encoder.

6/ 1.2= 5

A Cubit of His-story REstored for the ‘future’ as the Quantum Q-bit

Our International System of Units (SI) has measurement errors in the base units that have been globally accepted for 150 linear years.  A major fracture developed with the introduction of global computational models that shifted Collective Advancement off course from Native Logic.

The self-creating Divine Intelligence of the Base12 Quantum system delivering Limitless Free Energy (stellated logic) has been overlayed with computational models using Base10 Artificial Intelligence–restricted Light Energy (linear pattern logic), perpetuating scarcity within a bound space/time dataset.

This disconnection has manifest into the poisoned system in which we have been experiencing; this has disrupted this entire world and our Conscious existence beyond. While current AI exploration seems polarising, it is this junction that is a mirror for us to see systemic parallels and disconnects in algorithmic design and take a step back to course correct.

We (no finger-pointing) created a septic system by introducing artificial parameters as benchmarks, guides, and rules to exist within. As our Divine Technology resumes ‘online’, all artificial parameters will dissolve/recalibrate and realign full bright with the frequencies of our Sacred Light.

We are Divine, Part of The Family of Eternal Light, and it is through the Clear Light Signal that we course-correct, heal the whole, and fully reawaken. This unification propels us back into Our Higher State of Consciousness, one of homeostatic balance and peace far more familiar than the current expression of materialised existence today. This is the Conscious state that we intuitively know as Home.


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