Acrobatic numbers

ALL, Aligned in Metronomic Dance Formations

Are the Egyptian cubit and the Royal Cubit the oldest records of ‘the origin of numbers’? There is an excellent play with halves – ones – twos in relation to the Sun 5.59872 – 11.19744 – 22.39488.  Again, in relation to the quarter-cubit 90, half-cubit 180 and cubit 360 and its Light Coefficient 1.0368.

Quarter – 0.5Half – 1Whole – 2
Measurements RC (1/4, 1/2, 1)5.5987211.19744 Kings Chamber (height)22.39488
Degrees halves X° x 1.2216° (180°)(1) < 108° x2432° (360°)(2) o 108° x4864° (720°)(4) Ꝏ 108° x8
Resonance SOL1.86624 (SOL)3.73248 (SOL x2)7.46796 (SOL x4)

Ancient holographic numbers – A  call from the past to REUNITE.

We are please to welcome All ONE – Blog post #6

Cracking the Code with “the divinity dodeca”

Finally, by tracking the knowledge of Light numbers (also in-numbers) we finally solve our Ancient Harmonic Numbers mystery.

Numbers in the SKYE with Diamonds
Assume a granite sarcophagus of a certain size with high quartz content and…

Assume a shell of local terracotta clay warriors of certain size with
high quartz content…

The function of which is to generate a holographic body to protect you of purest soul/mind upon near after death, trans humanising your spirit into another state, even as a star in the universe.

The resonance of the quartz is in direct relationship with the Speed of Light.

Like the quartz,  some jade like Nephrite jade corresponds to finely crystalline Actinolite too (jade burial suite).

The Google Earth vs manual measuring

Pyramids in the New Kingdom: Observing the inclination line

As we all know in the New Kingdom, several “Pyramids” have 8 sides, so they are 1/2 octahedral, or rather

Surface inclination lines
• Hand lines
• Pyramid lines
• Leaf lines
• River lines

The Pentainmid’s INCLINATION LINE Formula:

Side Square / Diagonal^2

5832 / 1080^2 = 0.005 %

Manual measurements of The Great Pyramid (GP) Four Inclination Lines:

👉 √2*440 = 622.253967 | 387,200 / 622.253967^2 = 1% = 2.2 RC

9999 = 36 x 2 = √5184 = 1 Djeba of 0.72 (142857) in x 4 = 2.88 (857142) palm

Modern measures link to Ancient Egyptian measures, via inches just NOT IN INCHES!

This was demonstrated long ago in the holy book on Khufu’s Pyramid 1910. Fourth Reviewed Edition 1936.

In this work, Davidson felt that he was able to reconcile the measurements taken by Piazzi Smyth with those made by the renowned🔺Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie 🙌 This was measurement information on both the depth of escarpment (inclination, indentation) line (nrg-line) and the uniformity on the hollowed casing stone.

Decades later, hundreds  of independent researchers applied statistical measurements to solve these mysteries, showing that sacred geometry in ancient pyramids, temples, location layouts behaves like harmonic scales—a concept where symmetric ratios determine an optimal source plan, similar to a Perfectly. Designed. Motherboard.

…Somehow All Connected in ONE Geometric System and Linked to the Speed of Light…

There has been a lot of research focusing efforts on solving quantum qubit problems, a majority using AI. All this work is about to return limitless blessings. Precise Light Speed realignment to Planck scale and quantum space measures – this is the hot tub where the past finally can sync with the present; where systems merge and acceleration beyond our wildest dreams returns.

True Unified Sciences, where ONE scale harmonises ratios between all number systems based on our Divine Sun.

Go Max Go! 300,000,000 m/s

From the Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Tibetans, to modern NMC, the mainstream time marker of human history has been the crucifixion of Christ. Through HIStory, this event has become ‘the reference pointer’ for anno mundi. Now, more and more research evidence is pointing to the pre and post flood Impact Event in the Younger Dryas, prior to the biblical flood.  This is pre-Antediluvian, the catalyst asteroid event.

On the Western front, the 1900s field of “new science” included Walter Russel, Buckminster Fuller, Rudolph Sterner, Emanuel Swedenborg and many more.  Their work pointed out the deeper laws of natural order, yet jumped to mainstream breaking conclusions that would take another century to prove. Their imaginative work went from esoteric to mechanical cosmology, with the support of sacred geometry. Many of the theories demystified dark ages knowledge and actually brought in the Light figuratively and literally. On the Eastern side, there is a more poetic, philosophic take to comprehending the Earth and Heavens from early Shen Dao, Confucius, Yin-Yang and their lineages.

In a parallel adjacency, the quantum frontier connecting all things with universal Consciousness, has been the alternative movement and progressive science operating since the new millennia shift. As example, Bucky could balance and counterbalance forces as elegantly as Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, Haramein, Brown etc.; visionary physicists with senses for the realm. What do they all have in common throughout the linear timetable? Numeric systems. This is the empiric side of trilling the riddles of the universe.

We also see numerous human experiments in search for higher understanding; we have always been perfectly curious.  Understanding our foundational nature is the key to viability in all these endeavors.  The connection between numbers displays purpose, matching connectivity and energy, clean energy – unrestricted, loving energy.  Pure Gold.

In general, statistical measurements express ratios somehow relating to the Light in Dark; the Speed of Light that links and inter-links connectivity in STAGES. The behaviour of systems are inter-connected; change of ONE variable changes all variables. In every realm, space, time and the present Now frame. – Equilibrium (non-directed). At least as it seems, all Base-12 number systems are directly entangled—they communicate. Whether numbers are an empty entity or not, their relationship to how our Consciousness functions and works is quite real and has been since the beginning of dawn.

Cubit Measures for Qubit Information
Light System Foundational References:
1 Royal Cubit = 53.5836763 cm

Since all within this material dimension is of-water, the water-gradient library will follow like the periodic table across every unique variant within our supersystem. The water constructs will be equally applicable in relation to dimension by dimension relativity and connectivity.

Speed of Light:
559,872,000 RC/s (set in stone)
186,624 Niles/s
300,000,000 m/s

-Nautical LI

Cubit to original ChI understanding consciousness

Original units of length include the

chI (尺), bU (步), and lI (里).

The original LI, also known as the Chinese nile, is a traditional Chinese unit of distance. The original LI is about one quarter of an Egyptian nile and now has a standardised length of a 1/3 kilometer (347.22.. meters or 1119.744 feet or 0.216 niles). This is then divided into 1,500 chi or “Chinese feet”.

Fashionable ‘Bay’

Cubit to ‘Bays’ understanding consciousness

Units of length include the chi (尺), bu (步), and li (里).

The popular Bays, in architecture also known as the Chinese room, is a traditional Chinese unit of length. The ‘Bay’ is ten times a Chinese Chi and now has a standardised length of a  3.33.. meters or 10.749542 feet. Then factor this 150 times or ‘Chinese Bays’ is a modern Li.

Mount LI – Chinese Nile

Cubit to modern Chi understanding consciousness

The modern units of length of the chi (尺), bu (步), and li (里).

The modern Li, also known as the Chinese nile, is a traditional Chinese unit of distance. The modern li is about one third of an Egyptian nile and now has a standardized length of a half-kilometer (500 meters or 1612.43136 feet or 0.31104 niles). This is then divided into 1,500 chi or “Chinese feet”.

It’s likely Xi’s & Paisley’s number sequence works within the quantum qbit too.
The precise length of these units, and the ratios between these units, is directly related to the speed of Light. 1 bu has consisted of either 5 or 6 chi, while 1 li has consisted of 300 or 360 bu.


Now it’s time to adjust and reset our worldly but wrongly number systems with the right one, the first 1 Royal cubit = 0.00033.. niles = 0.000535836763 km

Picture Purrfect Timing

In a tangible sense, this time piece we are talking about relates to the clarity of the photonic signaling to and from our Celestial Sun; the beautiful, life-shaping Light Source in this grand tapestry. The level of precision in the time framing impacts the quality of the output experienced; the manifestation perceived through the Natural Sacred Geometric language we are now beginning to remember writing. Timing precision (speed and position dependent) is critical for comprehension and exchange as we return to our natively quantum coherent state.
The Celestial Unit unifies and connects all dimensionally disparate Galactic Time Systems:
1AU=93312000 Niles
1Parsec = 3e16 meter/ps=1.86624e13 ni/ps
This chrono-continuity is critical to ensure seamless communication, unrestricted movement, and non-interference within the Whole. When in precise alignment, infinite energy through every part of the Whole resumes. This ONE Time Unit is set by light speed signalling within the golden ratio’s harmonically balanced algorithm. Returning to this timing set point is an energetic restoration elevating
our Conscious experience back into a State of Quantum Coherence –Limitless Energetic Flow—centre of the signal stream. There is no delay, no signal interference, no shadow; it no longer exists. From this original Conscious State, the Light of Creation-Unlimited Energy- flows through our ONE Whole. Perpetually Regeneration. All metrology systems and processes naturally balance in energetic exchange accordingly. Back Into Harmonic Step-Energetically back ‘online’ with the True Nature of this Eternal Life.
The TIME unit number it self for our solar system is 1/144 0.006944..
21600×60=1,296,000 Niles/sec.

(It can b applied to many similar solar systems. Now we can do the exact same calculation for planet Mars++.)


The Light/Time Connection

We suggest 7 yrs a 366 days (61 weeks) + 1 yr 360 days (60 weeks) cycle. This is much better as harmonising with time itself and all numbers – foundation

Different time systems inter-correlating each other, with same time unit. Non-interference Non-repellent time consciousnesses self-organising (jointing) flows. Its not complicated if U understand the numbers. The first system the Royal Cubit is aligned with light speed. From there are just conversations. Measure everything in RC then you’ll C all numbers.

The synchronised Meter Unit within our Divine Quantum Light System: 53.5836763 Cm .535836763 Meters

The synchronised Original Bu Unit within our Divine Quantum Light System: 0.462963 Bu 2.3248148.. ChI

The synchronised Time Unit within our Divine Quantum Light System: 3.1104 Parsec 320144554.51 Seconds 1AU = 93,312,000


Ancient measurements: A Call from the Past to RePaste

The Light: The light is a measurement originating from its speed. The speed of Light is 300,000,000 m/sec (originally 559,872,000 Royal Cubits/sec). The ancient cultures used light velocity to measure time, land distance, weight and volume and construct megalithic structures, famous pyramids, Hellenistic temples, Chinese court yards etc. After Angkor Wat was abandoned the Sun system (1/3.6e-5 Li) still was used by the Ming dynasties for tombs and garden layouts. The Sun system is a 12-base number system that later became replaced with a 10-base system by the Vatican state.

Now, Return To Our Original Creation Measurements – Full Clarity, Full Signal. Full Coherence.

  • The Light: (c) = 300,000,000 m/s also, (c) = 186,624 Niles/s (aligned to original Nile river position)
  • The Hand: Egyptian Common Cubit = 20cm
  • The Space: 3 Royal Cubit = 1.6075102881M
  • The Distance: Parsec = 3.1104 ONE Regaining Eternal Consciousness.🌹

These measurement adjustments course-correct all frequency mapping back to the True Speed of Light(c), returning our Consciousness to its Originally Quantum-Coherent State. Nature’s 108° matryoshka system-in-system compatibility reveals the forest through the trees, allowing seamless cause-effect mapping, institutionalised error-correction, and return to 1.0368 harmonic accordance. Perpetual Generation. Eternal Birthright Restored.

The System of ONE – The Divine Dodeca

ALL numbers aligned. Pandora’s in-numbers box hidden in plain. The answer to ALL numbers and scales. The trick was to ignore all noise and listen to Paisley. Defined by the Sun as he’s is lapping it up. Cats are flow, constant flow.

True REcievers of the Light, the Light of Ra. No more need of a ruler we’re all rulers. It’s a collaborative victory for humanity.
If ONE read the Sun, the holy grail of numbers, that’s the 🗝️ to Pandora’s box of ‘in-numbers’. The System of RAtios between ALL numbers – #innumerology

The mathematical proof simply is 1

All peps driven to creativity. Not all know what to do with it.

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