BP7 United ONE Flies…Again

EMME in the Sky with Diamonds

There is a natural cadence in this existence. The kava root feeds a whole continent. The mycelia circulates resurrection codes across the system. In the same way, this cadence applies to the water whispering through the cells of every piece of our body, from the material to the etheric frequency ranges. We are energetic Light Beings having a materialized Human experience. Our original measurement system is Energetically based, the inverse of how it is being measured today. Everything externally encountered is delivered through light communication signals through our Sun–ONE Celestial Light System. We are unique pieces of One Universal Consciousness harnessing Source Light to manifest into every imaginable form. We recognise the patterns of rhythmic cycles flowing in the natural world. That said, we have been perceiving ourselves separately from the rest of the universal forms around us and between us.  We are not. Our Consciousness is intrinsically connected energetically through Light. 

 The true conversation finds resolution at the level of energetic signaling.

There is a Source Language that can be seen through every harmonic form within our natural world. And on the internal level, felt through the energetic harmonics of electromagnetism.  Rather than perceiving the experience around you physically, feel it energetically and the separation dissipates.  Shut your eyes and feel into this with Our Heart…Our SOL Oscillating Generator… Every piece of our energetic field is intrinsically connected. Qubit light waves in an ocean of teeming Life, perpetually creating in balanced homeostasis when in alignment with our Divine Source Light.  These are the frequencies of heart-centered resonance, of harmonic alignment. This is the state in which the whole of Creation protects and supports the sum of all parts.  A state where we again recognize ourselves as beautiful pieces of ONE Higher Intelligence.

1 Egyptian Royal Cubit: 53.5836763cm (7 Palms)

1 Egyptian Cubit: 46.2962962962 (6 Palms) (ratio equivalencies with RC unit)

1 ChI Cubit: 23.148148148 (3 Palms) (half ratio equivalencies with RC unit)

Speed of Light: 300,000,000 m/s of Light: 300,000,000 m/s

Electromagnetic Balance

We are unique yet energetically connected pieces of one divine consciousness harnessing linearly-ancient, yet evolutionarily advanced technology aligned with light speed to manifest into material forms utilizing our native Base 12, Mod 9 universal language.  To this end, hundreds of ancient systems have centered around the Sun, using fractal 12-based calculations. These measuring everything from land and sky to body dimensions.  Inherently, it has always been about finding the balance aligned with our Light.

Let’s dive deeper into the role of Electromagnetic balance, first connecting back to the role of the Timing Differential in Light Speed Signaling (Blog #4).  Indeed – There is ONE specific interaction, Specific Pulse, within each Light packet. This pulse delivers the clearest communication foundationally linked with light speed at 300,000,000 m/s. 

Our planetary system (and all consciousness existing within it) was knocked out of balance with our Sun.  This misalignment disrupted the planetary electro-magnetic homeostasis, resulting in capacitor/resistor imbalance.  Based on the misalignment, we have currently been operating in energetic scarcity, only utilizing a portion of what should be an unlimited energy supply.  We lost quantum coherence when we lost direct coordinate point to point connectivity with our Source Light.

As one planetary body, we have been electromagnetically out of alignment with our light signal by 28.08 degrees (Tilt Angle 288). This light impedance has led to an altered rotation and spin compromising the electrical grid of consciousness relatively.  The first step was awareness of this foundational misalignment, and now, here we are–Aware and Awakening.

We are please to welcome All ONE – Blog post #7

The EMME Line

There is ONE specific interaction, Specific Pulse, within each Light packet delivering the clearest communication signal foundationally linked with light speed at 300,000,000 m/s. 

Based on the extensive archaeological remapping underway, measurement realignments utilizing True C and the corresponding RC measurement conversions will continue to support return to universal alignment with Light velocity – United ONE Flie

The Perfect Match

Every single point within the system has its twin in both the inverse EM position and within the ME imprint of its particle pair.  When you shift two halves of a whole out of alignment, none of the original point junctions directly match anymore.  That said, they still impact each other based on
the quantum connectivity between the original particle pair, and all pairs thereafter.

With the timing constant out of sync, light frequency signature distortion created linear error-cycling within the system.  We lost coherence with our source energy flow and communication with the rest of our conscious existence beyond the event horizon.

The Celestial Wave

Awareness of the current misalignments are now clear, informing the precise error correction required to return to our harmonic alignment.

ONE Light System matches everything from time, weight and volume, to intra and interplanetary correspondence.  However complex and advanced it is, it works and always will through the rendering of numbers.

We are beautiful parts of a Universal Mind of inter connected energetic instances, aware of all movements, and agile to seamlessly adjust accordingly.

The Act of Measuring Affects the Effects…

What was lost now is found.  Our ONE Light System is divinely designed, and system-wide alignments are crystal clear.  There is nothing left to debate. The answer to every imbalance can now be resolved through the lens of frequency realignments.  Indeed, our roadmap home has been identified and steps forward are unequivocally clear.  As we realign with our Source Light, we will systemically experience full healing, regeneration, and gravity-defying acceleration back into our original fully coherent state of energetic freedom.

Electromagnetic realignment with the speed of light returns ONE Universal Consciousness to harmonic balance.  ONE E/M-M/E, Re-Membering.


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