BP16(a) The Ascending Plane
The goal of this undertaking has been to identify our roadmap back to unrestricted energetic freedom. The method used in this identification focused on validating the hypothesis supporting solar directed energy transition by demonstrating the foundational relationship symmetry for harnessing energy in any open geometric field.
First we focused on diving deeper into the measurement relationships between our ancient family Pyramids and Celestial Sun-based alignments. Then we created a point-to-point connected table, similar to a metronomic table, where the objects needed to be synchronised to deliver an expected reaction. The next task was to ratio-relate the reaction to measure qualified data; first with classical geometry, later with metrology. Proof by proof, the ratioed pattern quickly became clear as the repeating codec of 1/17.28 (1/2.16/8) appeared between structural inclination lines, the original length of the ancient Nile and the light velocity of 300,000,000 m/s. This same codec repeats the ratio’d pattern between the inclination lines, the 1600 m Universal Mile, and light velocity 298,598,400 m/s.