BP10 The B(I)PM Heartbeat…Rhythmic Restabilisation

We have discussed the relationship between the Light signal precision and the timing mechanics in United ONE Flies, Blog 7. Metrology is foundationally connected to this coefficient of utilization (CU) luminous flux. As a simple example, think of the disruption of an unstable flickering light vs a stable brightness.

Natural light is essential for securing our biological clocks and circadian rhythm [11]. This leads to physiological and behavioral time coordination [12]. Therefore, human consciousness has a direct connection with light; and it is light that creates consciousness.

-Alemdar E. Consciousness! Look at the Light. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 25(4)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004224.

…inversely, misalignment with light impedes the functioning of our consciousness…

The level of precision in the time framing impacts the quality of the output experienced. Hence, the manifestation perceived either in alignment or misalignment with our begotten Natural Code.
The cubit used the length of the Pharaoh’s forearm to create a unique granite block as the standard unit of length (metronomic metrology). These blueprint standards are being reinstated and rolled out through all metrology systems in advancement of full system recovery.