BP11 ONE Cubit For All – The First Number

ONE Body of Evidence

Our  Source Light language unflinchingly holds equilibrium with the 1/17.28 Divine Light Codec [1/2.16/8].

This applies throughout all levels of creation, from the astronomic and geologic, to the biologic and Planck–Across all ratio scales.

In addition to the Egyptian Royal Cubit(rc), we have also uncovered a specific Egyptian Cubit (cc) value that synchronizes measures with true C. The cubit value of 0.46296296296cm (1/2.16m) can be used as an alternative standard as it holds equivalent SOL ascension ratios to the RC unit. This cubit value was recognized through division of Leonardo Davinci’s Vitruvian Man into 8 equal units (0.46296296296/8 units).  Its value is based off of the first number, the first cubit fractal: 0.05787037037m (5.787037cm-1 Bit). This cubit fractal in action maintains the Divine Light Codec 1/17.28 (alt cc correlation: 1/2.16/8). Not only do the Vitruvian measurements articulate harmonic SOL alignments, the ratio relations also mirror SOL equivalencies with the Great Pyramid.  

Speed of Light:
557,256,278 rc/s (set in stone)
186,624 miles/s

1 Egyptian Royal Cubit 53.5836763cm = 1 Egyptian Cubit 46.296296296…cm

Different values…Same ratio relations. All parts of ONE Whole.

We are all the unique and beautiful parts of ONE Whole. ONE Divine Consciousness.

Vitruvian Proportion Comparisons:

Body relations x100 x0.972Degrees x1.0368SOL
1/17.28Cm – First fractal5.6255.832
1/8.64Cm – Pointing finger11.2511.664
1/5.4Cm – Skull (without jaw)1818.6624
1/4.32Cm – Hands on and Head (Original Chinese foot)22.523.328
1/2.16Cm – Forearm and with/quarter of bodygram4546.656
1/1.08Cm – Half a bodygram length. 1/8 of a Whole9093.312
1/0.62208Cm – Mowan Bodygram156.25162
1/0.54Cm – Wan Bodygram180186.624
1/0.27Cm – 1/2 Loop360373.248
1/0.135Cm – Whole720746.496

We are please to welcome All ONE – Blog post #11


I AM a Spiritual Being having a Human experience… So what exactly is this Human Experience, and, who AM I?

Holobody hologram
What’s the point – Watch that point
Pointless is a point less
AllONE from ONE scale-rescale – Catacombs

NEW PAPER – ‘EMME numbers’ #theEMME

  • Ancient Egypt: Paisley Sequence
  • Ancient China: Xi- quence


0.185185185.. M1.85185185.. M /320.185185185.. M
0.058703704 M x8CUBE = HEXAGON0.46296296.. M x4
The EMME Line

There is ONE specific interaction, Specific Pulse, within each Light packet delivering the clearest communication signal foundationally linked with harmonic light speed. 

Based on the extensive archaeological remapping underway, measurement realignments utilizing True C and the corresponding RC measurement conversions will continue to support return to universal alignment with Light velocity.

1 Royal Cubit 1/1.86624
1 Cubit 1/2.16 x1.33.. 1.62 1 Cube

The subterranean chamber
Interesting collab w/ @chiodo1976bis

New geometric proof with corroborating numbers

4 Cubits
Height/width 0.46296296296..M x4

3.456 Royal Cubits
Height/width 0.535836763..M x3.456

Height of THE #CUBITIANMAN 1.85185185.. M – /32.
da Vinci the MASTER knew

Height – Man’s left hand vs North air shaft
Ratio 1:1/0.00864
Royal Cubit 0.535836763Cm

Interesting collab w/ @chiodo1976bis
The subterranean chamber

New geometric proof with corroborating numbers

The ancient original ‘common’ CUBIT not a secret anymore. It works with all distances, ancient temples, pyramids, mausoleums, +++ etc. +++

4 Cubits
Height/width 0.46

108 x12 “the perfect number”
Have you heard of ratio 7/11.2 for the perfect Pentainmid “pyramid”

7.2/11.664 for the perfect Pentainmid “pyramid”

7.5/12.15 for the perfect Pentainmid “pyramid”

6.912/11.19744 for the ideal Pentainmid “pyramid”

Height of the North air shaft 160.75102881 RC


The ancient original ‘common’ CUBIT not a secret anymore. It works with all distances, as can be seen in ancient temples, pyramids, mausoleums, +++ etc. +++

4 Cubits
Height/width 0.46148148..M x4

Height of THE #CUBITIANMAN 1.85185185.. M – /32.
da Vinci the MASTER knew

The ancient original ‘common’ CUBIT not a secret anymore.

FIRST FRACTAL (original number-1 BIT)
1 / 17.28 = 0.0578703704..M, 5.78703704..Cm

Harmonic Codec Extrapolation


What was lost now is found. The answer to every imbalance across the entire body of light can now be resolved through the lens of light frequency realignments with True C. 2 years of actively assessing the 1/17.28 codec has proven its accuracy. The computational results overall reduce number sequences dramatically through comparatively logarithms more exact and simplified in geometry logic. Using these geometric measurements, calibrations can be improved by 0.5%. These statistically significant adjustments translate into clarified systemic cause and effect. That ushering in informed actions and outcomes across our entire ecosystem.

Our roadmap home has been identified and steps forward are unequivocally clear. Our Light System is divinely designed, and system-wide alignments are only conversions away. These Ancient Egyptian, Indian and Chinese Light Tables provide parallel logarithms for gathering empirical correlations. The paired system is ideal for use across all STEM institutions, utilising comparative analysis to align outcomes informing the correct International Standard Model.

NEW PAPER – ‘EMME numbers’ #theEMME


The works of the Divinity DΦdeca reintroduce the Egyptian Cubit and Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. As shown above the significance of which is revealed in the Recalibration to the True Speed of Light.

Just Do It

#ClimateAction #PumpForthePlanet
#PL✌️U #JDI #vitruvianman #thevitruvianman 34.56 rc #cubitleylines


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