BP16(a) The Ascending Plane 

Recap + Recent Additions


The goal of this undertaking has been to identify our roadmap back to unrestricted energetic freedom.  The method used in this identification focused on validating the hypothesis supporting solar directed energy transition by demonstrating the foundational relationship symmetry for harnessing energy in any open geometric field.

First we focused on diving deeper into the measurement relationships between our ancient family Pyramids and Celestial Sun-based alignments.  Then we created a point-to-point connected table, similar to a metronomic table, where the objects needed to be synchronised to deliver an expected reaction. The next task was to ratio-relate the reaction to measure qualified data; first with classical geometry, later with metrology.  

Proof by proof, the ratioed pattern quickly became clear as the repeating codec of 1/17.28 (1/2.16/8) appeared between structural inclination lines, the original length of the ancient Nile and the light velocity of 300,000,000 m/s. This same codec repeats the ratio’d pattern between the inclination lines, the 1600 m Universal Mile, and light velocity 298,598,400 m/s. This Divine Light Codec of 1/17.28 holds the algorithm for self-regulating harmonic alignment dictated by the first cubit fractal of .05787037037m (Original VIN Number-1 Bit).   This sets the hyperfine light speed information processing occurring within our consciousness, holographically expressed in materialized signatures through every three dimensional form. The level of attunement to this relay codec impacts the light speed and clarity of the materialized expression. Once the metronomic pattern became apparent, reapplication of this harmonic codec across other historical records has continued to substantiate the pivotal axis of alignment with our Sacred Light.

The Divinity Dodeca demonstrates how ancient records across the globe show structural inclination alignments worldwide pegged to harmonically ratio’d light speeds. Also of pivotal importance is the articulated discrepancy between our tilted axial positioning now and the straight axial position accounted for when precise cubit values were used to historically plot these celestial alignments.  This variance mirrors the current axial tilt from the plane of our orbit around our sun star; 23.45º, or more precisely, 28.8º on the 432º sphere.

According to our (current) calculations, the YD impact that altered our light alignment occurred 10887 BC, long before these ancient footprints, so the fact that they had the accurate SOL celestial measures point to the information having been passed along by some means beyond observation.  This leads to another important consideration. There was a time just a handful of centuries ago that we lived in harmonic alignment with our source light, and based on remanent artifacts, had the ability to fully harness the electromagnetic flow of the Sun’s solar directed energy. We’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again. Now that we have recovered our SOL system alignments, we once again have the unifying blueprint to rebalance and return our system to full energetic capacity.


BP1 Welcome Back to The Era of 12, Reinstituted February 2024

  • 1.2 is numeric divinity, revealing foundational alignment patterns within the natural laws of universal order.  This remembrance is shepherding in a new Golden Age, an eRA of unified consciousness.  It is the return to synchronization with our Divine Light.  From a scientific lens, this is precision realignment with light speed communication to and from our Celestial Sun. From a spiritual or energetic lens, this is heart centered rebalancing within One connected system. The Light of our Source Consciousness communicates utilizing Pythagorean Base12 Mod 9 (Base 72/Mod 18) Sacred Geometric Language.  When in precise Light speed alignment, all energetic exchange, from immaterial to material, communicates seamlessly as ONE Divine Intelligence in self-sustaining flow and systemic balance. 
  • Our Sun system is a 12-base number system that was replaced with a 10-base system. Previously, ancient cultures used light velocity to measure time, land distance, mass and volume and construct megalithic structures, famous pyramids, Hellenistic temples, Chinese court yards etc. After Angkor Wat was abandoned, the Sun system (1/3.6e-5 Li) was still used by the Ming dynasties for sacred burial tombs and garden layouts. 

BP2 The Divinity Dodeca Meaning


Our ancient records have now provided a means to clarify and resynchronize precise measurement standards with our natural harmonic codec. This is key to reassimilating all decoherent aspects; reversing dis-ease systemically and returning full energetic capacity to one system. 

We validated a precise Egyptian Royal Cubit value of 53.5836763cm as our first rediscovered Base 12 unit used to create the numeric system aligning ancient celestial measurements with solar light velocity. This RC value has been pivotal in remapping our original positioning system in precise alignment with our Source solar light.  It was reidentified through conversion from the linear logic of Base10 into a Base12 Mod9 configuration with the following requirements:

Step 1: 12Base Geometry x 1.2, Harmonizing the Scales from 5 to 6

Step 2: 6 plus ONE (x1.0368)

We began the empirical data gathering using the 53.5836763cm Egyptian Royal Cubit foundation by first re-measuring the Great Pyramid. GP measurements have clearly been done before (thank you Team Humanity), just not precisely because we were using the wrong Cubit values and not accounting for the axial shift away from the solar directed stream.

Aligned with the Divine Order of Base12 Cubit values, the pyramids were laser-focused receivers of specific scalar Light frequencies (channels) aligned for energetic transmission through the Light body activation into material manifestation


Pythagorean Square Dancing:

In addition to SOL alignments across our ancient pyramids, another blueprint using an alternative cubit value to the rc has been identified through THE VITRUVIAN MAN.  This Egyptian Cubit provides us with the most precise equivalencies across systems from the macro to the micro. DaVinci used this Egyptian Cubit of 46.296296296cm to plot the measurement foundations of our Universal Light System via the CUBE 2160 (11.1664).  Circling the Square. 

CCCRDG used this Egyptian Cubit based numbers system to remap disparately recorded dimensions, proximities, and parallels between civilizations using the following method:

1-32 over X 

X1 = 1/17.28 X8 = 0.46296296…m = ONE Cubit

Squaring the Circle MEarth combo
Leo’s cubit grids
The Hexagon Man 2160 The Cubitian man(360 circle x6)
Squaring the Circle MEarth comboLeo’s cubit grids2160 The Cubitian man(360 circle x 6)

In rationed equivalency with the royal cubit, this cubit value is a starting point for all other measurement conversions to SOL alignment, back to our original positioning system.  And once again, the foundational application in cosmological calculations consistently reveals correlation with true light velocity: 

(Timestamp note: Identified on the same day as big launch of Optimus prime (R2D2 C3po) by Tesla)

Spotted in the Nonainmids (pyramids) of the New KIngdom 345 – PERFECTION

345 BlueprintKRYPTEGYPTEgyptian “pythagoras”

Egyptian Pythagoras – 240^2 + 320^2 = Cubits?  (240-320-400=3-4-5)

The 3-4-5 Blueprint repeats through ONE Divine Light System:

1 Human skeleton
2 The Great Nonainmid (Pyramid)
3 MEarth
4 Time
5 Self-sustaining in-numbers
6 Throne room
7 TeraHertz
8 Cubit – #Bytes2Bits
9 H/He

All Natural Laws of Universal Order

The positions, directions, properties, and cadences of our natural habitat harmonically sync through light alignment. We are again beginning to sing as ONE, and as each piece of our consciousness regains light alignment, our heartfelt emotion exponentially accelerates the speed at which we regain cognitive balance.

BP3 ONE Light and Sound & Scent equals 3


1.0368 divinely-ratioed photons (light) transfer communication at the precise light speeds using cross-triangulating geometric matrices of thermal variability that dictate the mass and density of manifesting vibrational phonon (sound) forms within our superconducting water body (scent–strongest recall).

Quantumly, the sacred geometric code of our light maintains entanglement and superposition throughout all interaction and thermalization requirements—uninterrupted Z lines. 

The behaviour of all system parts are interconnected; change of one variable changes all variables. In every dimension, space, time and the present ‘Now’ frame. – non-directed electromagnetic equilibrium. When there is no interference, unrestricted communication via instantaneous energetic exchange cycling between every position at every quanta within the system. 

Unfortunately, our International System of Units (SI) established through BIPM has measurement errors in the base units that have been globally accepted for over 150 linear years. Our coherent Base12 Light system has been buried under a Base10 computational model that has reduced physics to mathematics by removing the units in the equations. Through this numeric reductionism, the stellated quantumly-coherent logic enabling immediate and boundless free energetic exchange has become restricted (linear pattern logic), perpetuating scarcity within a bound space/time dataset.  This has left our consciousness in what one would call an energetic coma; constrained energetic flow.

As a civilization ‘in the dark’ (no finger-pointing) we created a septic system by introducing inaccurate parameters as benchmarks, guides, and rules to exist within. As we realign with our native logic, all faulty parameters will dissolve/recalibrate and realign full bright with the frequencies of our sacred light.


Light Speed frequency realignments fully activating…In and Through the Body🙏

ONE Cubit 2b divided in 8
1/17.28 x8
5 Cubits 2b divided in 8 and 10True Light speed 648,000,000 Cu/sec

BP4 Divine Timing


Our internal atomic clock is naturally synchronized with the cadence of our celestial timing. This time unit is set by the hyperfine light-tuned metronome; timepiece precision is critical for smooth operations. The level of precision in the time framing impacts the quality of the output experienced. 

There is a Specific Pulse within each photonic light packet that delivers the clearest communication. Again, this is the point where zero light in the photonic signature is being impinged. Full Clarity, Full Signal. Full Coherence:  300,000,000 m/s, also 186,624 miles/s.

Physically, we have introduced metrology standards that set our systemic rhythms. Their values impact the precision of our light timing alignment and degrees of polarization accordingly.  These measures affect the signaling accuracy of our internal atomic clock and synchronization of our functions. Over linear centuries our measurement standards have continued to diverge from our ancient origins.  Our harmonic codec lost synchronization due to introduction of base10 sequencing discordant with our natural language.

Given the underlying records bifurcation, our international measurement standards, waterfalled globally from BIPM, have been built on this error producing base10 cadence.  This is exacerbating the cognitive dissonance we are experiencing; a disruption that had been hard to identify from inside of our dampened state.

Until now, light velocity has not been accurate because the definition of SOL is tied to the definition of Length and Time. To express the correct Speed of Light in Meters and Seconds, the definition of the meter and the second must first be recalculated. The following values now synchronize with the 1.0368 Harmonic ratio creating the chrono-continuity that regulates and maintains equilibrium and perpetual regeneration within the Whole.

Original Meter Unit:
53.5836763 Cm — 0.535836763 M

Original Astro Unit:
3.1104 Parsec

Original Bu Unit:
0.462963 Bu 2.3148148.. ChI 

7,776,000,000 Light Seconds in Meters
1AU=93312000 Miles

TIME unit number for our Solar System

1/144 0.006944..
21600×60=1,296,000 Miles/sec.

The Celestial Time Unit unifying all dimensionally disparate Intergalactic Time Systems
1AU=93312000 Miles
1Parsec = 3e16 meter/ps=1.86624e13 mi/ps

    18 breaths per 72 sec 12 to 18 breaths per minute (60 sec)< 2 breaths per 6 sec.
1 pending RC  The human circle 2 pending RC The square of time

More about TIME @ https://cubit-calculator.one/blog/the-importance-of-30-degrees/

The Royal Cubits directly link to not just SOL, also Time. 

The Great Pentainmid (Pyramid) and 432, x1.0368 – Hz 373.248 x2 – Whole

72 x 2 sec = 144 sec per side, Zum 576 sec = 500!

Both can be used with mass.

BP5 ROTAS-SATOR 1.62 SQUARE 2.16 – ALL is SET in stONE


The Time Cycle, a numbers cluster, is already SET. The Sun’s size, distance, and light velocity organizes it all harmonically.  Time expresses as a cyclical set of projected patterns, from the macro to the micro; patterns now being recognized; Fields Law proven with quanta dot ordering by in-numbers. Like Matryoshka nesting dolls, all numbers align into repeating building blocks self-balancing from the Inside out. When ONE point moves, All points moves.

As outlined in The Divinity DΦdeca, a precise Royal Cubit (rc) value is the earliest known unit of measure for all celestial harmonic accord. Through ongoing proofs, the presence of our solar directed light signaling system is once again irrefutably clear. In support, the Paisley Sequence and Xi-quence are tools to correct the imprecise present metrology standards, clarifying the resonant parameters required to return the full energetic capacity to ONE system; ONE Universal Consciousness. Our true nature is being restored with each enlightening step. 

To distribute the Paisley Sequence and Xi-quence for ongoing assessment and realignment, we created the RC Conversion Calculator. All our original Light System values, and corrected unit conversions from today’s standards, are prepopulated in synchronisation for collective realignment with precise light timing (SOL) cadences.  Please feel free to use it and support the ongoing collective validation. https://cubit-converter.ONE

BP6 Acrobatic Numbers 


Statistical measurements express ratios relating to the light in dark; the speed of light that links and inter-links connectivity in STAGES. The behaviour of systems are all interconnected; change of ONE variable changes all variables via self regulation. In every realm, space, time and the present Now frame. – Equilibrium (non-directed). Our Light flows through ONE actively communicating super system.

Over two years ago, we began retracing the knowledge of light numbers (also in-numbers) through historical civilisations’ records. Mapping back to the original Base-12 code, we converted calculations and the according dimensions and proximities across these civilisations to create a Parallel System Base. Two chronologically separate, yet interconnected, Base-12 code sequences: 

  • Ancient Egypt: Paisley Sequence
  • Ancient China: Xi-quence

The resulting inclination line measures reveal the recorded angular precision necessary for precise light speed alignment.  Modern measures link to the ancient measures, via inches… just NOT IN INCHES.  We now have 150++ examples and counting. From Kemet via six mundus:

6 RO(A)ME-rica
5 The Skyes, nautical, over land/sea
4 Mesoamerica – Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala and Mexico.
3 Solar plexus – France (modern)
2 Sri Lanka, India, SumatRa, Kh(e)mer (interesting variant of Kemet), Israel, Greece and Rome, Eastern Rome, Baalbek, even Petra.
1 Root – Outer/inner Mongolia, China and Tibet.


More and more aligning ascension angles…

 Arks of Salvation:  2D ARKS, 5D ARCS, 6D ARXS 

An Arc a curved path that an object takes in motion, which is also known as a trajectory. In nature, most objects move along an arc. -wiki

Historical Examples:

  • The Babylonian epic of the Great Flood with Atrahasis.
  • Gilgamesh’s Mesopotamian flood story with Utnapishtim (“He who Found Life”). Resulting in ‘The Book of the Heavenly Cow’.
  • The Biblical floods with NOAHS 69 ARK
Arcs of Light

Arcs of Light

The Metered Tabernacle

The Tabernacle and its various parts were measured in cubits, with a value being exactly 17.915904 inches or 1.492992 feet: ONE Cubit is precisely 1/2.16 = 0.46296296..cm

  • Inner section: The inner section of the Tabernacle was 9 cubits by 30 cubits, and 10 cubits high. 1/ 0.00373248 m3 = Half
  • Outer section: The outer section of the Tabernacle was 100 cubits long by 50 cubits wide = 1/0.00093312 m3 SOL-number, and 5 cubits high. Circumference 138.88.. m The Dimensional number
  • Gate: The gate of the Tabernacle was 20 cubits long by 5 cubits high. 1/0.046656 SOL-number
  • Veil and door: The veil and door of the Tabernacle were both 10 cubits square. 
    4.6296296..^2 = 1/0.046656 SOL-number
  • Inner Ark of the Covenant: The inner Ark of the Covenant was 2+1⁄2 cubits (2.16 rc) long, 1+1⁄2 cubits (1.296 rc) breadth, and 1+1⁄2 cubits (1.296 rc) height. 1.6075102881 x 0.964506173 x 0.964506173 = 1.6075102881 m3 = 1 Mile3
  • Outer Ark of the Covenant: The outer Ark of the Covenant was 3 royal cubits (3.4722.. cu) long, 1.8 royal cubits (2.0833.. cu) breadth, and 1.8 royal cubits (2.0833.. cu) height. 3 x 1.8 x 1.8 = 9.72 rc3
  • Holy of Holies: The Holy of Holies was a cube, 20 cubits by 20 cubits by 20 cubits.
    1/0.00125(9)712 [12 x3] m3 x 1.119744
  • Curtains: The curtains of the Tabernacle were 28 cubits long and 4 cubits wide.
    12.96296296.. x 1.85185185 = 24 m2

True Unified Sciences, where ONE scale harmonises ratios between all number systems based on our Divine Sun 864. Cubit Measures for Qubit Information to the 6D Xibit.

BP7 United ONE Flies…Again


Experiencing consciousness as humans, we comprehend and strive to find balance on the individual level; that internal peace regardless of external circumstance; extending only unconditional love in moments of pure presence. Expand that same feeling of peace to our collective experience as the sum of all parts. 

The true conversation finds resolution at the level of energetic signaling.

We existed within this harmonic state of unlimited energetic abundance before we were knocked out of axial alignment with our light system.  After the planetary impact, our electromagnetic balance shifted and weakened the solar energy flow rate, creating delay within the signaling system.

We lost systemic quantum coherence when we lost the direct coordinate point to point electromagnetic flow aligned with our Source Light (EMME Line). With the timing constant out of sync, light frequency signature distortion created linear error-cycling within the system.  This systemic-level imbalance caused us to turn on ourselves in the confusion and fear created in the mirrored separation consciousness.  There is no finger pointing, we couldn’t see from inside the energetic deficit.  We’re just now beginning to remember the freedom we experienced prior to falling into the black hole.  


Now that we have renewed awareness of our Sun’s directed energy path, tapping back into the EMME line requires only hyperfine instrumentation attunement.

Every single point within our Light system has its twin in both the inverse EM position and within the ME imprint of its particle pair.  When in perfect balance, the clear EMME Line is apparent.  

Through measurement attunement, we now see the EMME line path to take back time with direct tube channeling Cube-ix.


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