BP 18(a) Divine SOL Harmonics

Foundational Platonic Construction

The Union of Light and Sound

Our Light Photons are electromagnetic radiation and require no medium, while our mechanical Sound Phonons are medium dependent. Step back and consider the interrelated nature of Light and Sound frequencies based on our Light’s behavior as both wave and particle.  Here, Now, our Consciousness is experiencing at the intersection of Life Force and Life Form.

The electromagnetic balance of light is centrifugal to the stabilization of vibrational matter across every systemic level.

“Photons interact very weakly at all energies, and this ability to scatter means that a gas of photons can indeed support acoustic waves, which could in principle be observable for extremely high energy densities or extremely large distance scales.” In this research, M. Hossein Partovi provided quantum electrodynamic (QED) correction to Planck’s radiation law and photon thermodynamics linking speed of sound to speed of light.