BP16(b) The Ascending Plane  

Recap + Recent Additions

BP8 Liberty Capstone


In 2022, the observation of Paisley’s momentarily tubular reactiveness brought keen awareness and attention to the empiric transitions taking place through circular and applied geometry, as well as metrology.  At this same time, research collaborators were developing their breathtaking theory of the Planck field and space theory.  The team at Resonance Science Foundation (now International Space Federation) were able to demonstrate symmetry in equation of the vacuum space.  While we fundamentally understood their work and the observed tubular reactions were intrinsically connected, the method to harness this energy in an open geometry field, e.g. a 64 tetrahedron star, remained unclear.

Our goal with this undertaking was to validate the hypothesis supporting Solar directed energy transition by demonstrating the foundational relationship symmetry for harnessing energy in any open geometric field (e.g. a 64 tetrahedron star).

Through our analysis, the clear and direct mathematical relationships to the Sun have become irrefutably apparent.  Indeed, the point to point tubular reactions are taking place with variated behaviour in local agreement with the directed Solar energy transition. 

Our Light-based system unflinchingly holds equilibrium with a 1/17.28 Divine Light Codec [1/2.16.8].

The First Cubit Fractal  .0578703704 [bit]

Two years of actively assessing the 1/17.28 codec has proven its accuracy. These Light Tables provide a unified, cross-border perspective that sits at the foundational intersection between the many material and immaterial sciences. The computational results overall reduce number sequences dramatically through logarithms more exact and simplified in geometry logic. Using these geometric measurements, calibrations can be improved by 0.5%. These statistically significant adjustments translate into clarified systemic cause and effect, ushering in informed actions and outcomes across our entire ecosystem.

At the end of July 2024, hard copies of this correspondence were delivered to International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).  Their support in reinstitution of Light Speed Measurement Standards will now propel the advancement of our highest collective timeline.



864 as half of 1728 (first fractal bit) rules all living numbers in our solar system simply based on the size of our black sun diameter.

True Unified Sciences, ONE RA SOL scale harmonises ratios between all number systems

Ra 864 – 1/8.64

1/8.64 x4 + Cubit864 x 864746,496 Whole

86400 sec per day
8640 hours per year
864000 miles ∅ of Sun, Reason
864000 cubits = Whole ∞
0,864 x 1.2 = 1.0368 SOL coefficient and converter.

BP9 All Dancing In Perfectly Choreographed Precession


What was lost now is found. The answer to every imbalance across the entire body of light can now be resolved through the lens of light frequency realignments with True C. Indeed our roadmap home has been identified and steps forward are unequivocally clear. Our Light System is divinely designed, and system-wide alignments are only conversions away. These Ancient Egyptian, Indian and Chinese Light Tables certainly provide parallel logarithms for gathering empirical correlations. The paired system is ideal for use across all STEM institutions, utilising comparative analysis to align outcomes informing the correct International Standard Model.

BP10 The B(I)PM Heartbeat…Rhythmic Restabilization


Our findings have been consolidated into a white paper delivered to BIPM and NIST for review and collaboration. https://tvb-climatechallenge.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/theEMME.pdf. Through these and affiliate hands around the world, humanity has formalized metrology practices to establish stable, comparable, and coherent measurements. And now, through reinstitution of the Global Primary Standard, the Egyptian Royal Cubit value of 53.5836763cm can be used to do just that, by precisely realigning the SI base units with accurate light speed. This rebalances the foundational beam within our energetic exchange system; returning to sustainable quantum coherence.

  • Top-down SI realignments result in pressure relief systemically by helping to eliminate the exaggerated polarity our Consciousness is experiencing energetically, and materially in accordance
  • Reharmonisation of cadences, processes, and exchange systems with our light will fully support the accelerated healing, regeneration, and resurrection back to our True Divine Nature. Healing the whole from the inside out.

BP11 ONE Cubit for All…The First Number


We have found precise Royal Cubit and Common Cubit values that synchronize measures with true c. The cubit value of .46296296296cm (1/2.16m) can be used as an alternative standard as it holds equivalent SOL ascension ratios to the RC unit. This cubit value was identified through division of Leonardo Davinci’s Vitruvian Man into 8 equal units (.46296296296/8 units).  This value is based off of the first number, the first cubit fractal: .05787037037m (5.787037cm). This cubit fractal in action maintains a the processing codec of 1/17.28 (alt cc correlation: 1/2.16/8). Using the cc value, Leo created the Vitruvian Man to relay precise ascension angles in direct relationship with, again, light speed at 300,000,000 m/s.  Not only do the Vitruvian measurements articulate harmonic SOL alignments, the ratio relations also mirror SOL equivalencies with the Great Pyramid.  

We now have quickly mounting evidence intersecting SOL alignments across celestial bodies, sacred earthly structures, and divine human proportions. Multiple cubit measurement values now, along with Chi, Li, and Hasta values, continue to reinforce that our Source Light unflinchingly holds equilibrium with a 1/17.28 Divine Light Codec. The message has become not only clear, its repeating from difference numerological perspectives…Our Consciousness is connected through Light.  This applies from the astronomic and geologic, to the biologic and Planck—unified across all ratio scales.  True receivers of Light, in and through the body.

BP12 Leonardo Da Vinci & Sacred Geometry


In the 1400s, the Vatican laid the post roman foundation to all its Pontifical (papal) states and the pre Imperial standard and the Metric systems (post roman inches, feet, etc)were standardized. Yet, Master DaVinci was an avid Cipher enthusiast and wrote thousands of manuscripts using codes measured through the Egyptian common cubit to define the multi-dimensional spatial parameters within his works, private key relays (PKRs) waiting to once again be understood. In these dark ages under catholic inquisition, Christian paganism was the main protector of sacred ancient knowledge.

Cubit Measures for Pentainmid (Pyramid) Information
Cubit Measures for Pentainmid (Pyramid) Information

The harmonic divisions across every aspect of the Vitruvian Man align with the inclination plots of our global Energy Pyramids.  From the Heavens to the Earth to the Man in the middle, ONE reflection stares back.  We have one synchronized system with resonating energy centers each holding specific key tone acoustics within harmonic accord. 

Now decoded, Leo’s precision reinforces that the answer to every imbalance across the entire body of light can now be resolved through the lens of electromagnetic frequency realignments with true C. 

BP14 The Importance of 30º…Pendulum Rod of Time


As Pythagoras beautifully articulated, 30º is a foundational construction within our sacred geometric blueprint. This angle is used to divide the 360º circle into twelve equal parts, setting the metronomic rhythm between distance and time. This inclination angle repeats throughout the Seed of Life, the Star of David, and all astrological division. Also revealed as the angle of the north wall of Giza, and repeating through the equatorial alignment of the great circle of ancient sites around the world, 30º acts as roadmap for navigating both the seen and unseen aspects of our conscious existence. On a 432º scale a 36º angle. 

As we continued to focus on the Vitruvian Man, using the 30º perspective, a precisely ratioed map of our U-inverse comes into focus through Leo’s 5 square cubit masterpiece. Within it, the navel is the clear pendulum point setting systemic swing. Also revealed is the 60° angle between feet and navel (not obvious). The circle size impacts the distances associated with the 30º swing, setting the base dictating the accurate inclination line positioning points within the sphere.  Accordingly, different circle sizes equate to different cubit distance values, all returning full circle to alignment with the speed of light. 

When viewing through the quantum lens, the 360 circle dimensionalizes into a 432 sphere.  Cross triangulation at any three points within the sphere provides frequency coordinate intersections.  Specific frequency coordinate intersections sit in direct alignment with true c.  These coordinate angles create a harmonic map of one full SOL system. 

Mathematically, this equates in a transition back to Pythagorean harmonics.  The dimensional environment shifts from a linear circular slice of 3D/2D intersection to a dimensional spherical grid…this is a shift from Base10 code back to Base12 order, easily accomplished through a 1.2 multiplier. 

Circle of TimeSquare of Space
360º 432º

The divine significance of 108º is its relay of the 90º perpendicular ray correspondence.

The Hexagon Man
ONE pending Royal Cubit 1 pending RC The human circle

We honor our rhythms of time, days, nights, and 24 horus cycles; the perfect algorithm within our harmonic codec.  Once again, we return to these SOL rhythms maintaining tight-rope balance for our fragile ecosystem. Our heart is strong and will again beat in perfect rhythm.  We are returning to the full awakening breaths of our eternal life.

BP15 The Purrrfect Paisley


The Paisley Sequence Framework

Utilizing the divine codec, CCCRdg has created the Paisley Sequence Framework (PSF) for ongoing collaboration in pursuit of light realignment. The PSF integrates multiple ancient light languages into one divine system. It provides a framework that can be used to validate numeric scales in harmonic SOL alignment. The PSF connects the ancient Cubit, Chi, Li and Hasta measurements with the accurate speed of light 300,000,000 m/s.

Paisley Sequence Framework (PSF)

5 cubits100.0014402.3148148..1/0.432
9 chi90.0012962.08333..1/0.48
4 cubits80.0011521.85185..1/0.54
7 chi70.0010081.62037037..1/0.617142857
3 cubits60.0008641.3888..1/0.72
5 chi50.0007201.1574074..1/0.864
2 cubits40.0005760.925925..1/1.08
3 chi30.0004320.69444..1/1.44
1 cubit20.0002880.46296296..1/2.16
1 chi10.0001440.231481481/4.32

Cyclical interplay between universal constants, ancient measurements and velocity speed

1 Cubit-1/2.16 m

The main purpose of Paisleys Sequence Framework is to enhance our understanding of complex systems in nature, physics and the human experience. By weaving together numerology with light velocity and time, a synthesis is formed that can also link to mass for metaphysical resurrection. We close the gap as promised so long ago, “as below so above”, reintroducing parameters to bring harmonic balance to our individual and collective experience. Balance is reflected in how our natural cycles play out through repeating number sequences entangled in a quantum universe; a conscious, self-organizing uInverse. One that has been operating in energetic scarcity for as long as we could remember until now. By re-mapping and aligning numeric sequences we reveal the underlying synchronicities in the original cyclical patterns.

Claimant ONE: As applied in the Paisley Sequence Framework, we state that a Base72 Mod18 is an ideal system in conjunction with the speed of light and time.  

Syncing Science & Spirituality

  • Base72 Mod18 also aligns with the ancient cubit measure Base32 Mod8. These two self-similar patterns at different scales could provide new insights into natural rhythms and cycles.
  • The Base 72 system expands on the Base12 Mod 9 model to allow for enhanced variable complexity.  Compared to the Sumerian/Babylonian Base60 Mod12, this combined PSF has higher, deeper values–critical for precision. 
  • The Base72 Mod18 system maintains a uniform scale applicable to all things related to light velocity synchronization within our solar system. It is balanced with numeric universal rhythms. 
  • These electromagnetic/magnetoelectric (EMME) rhythms dictate the harmonic ebb and flow of photonic energy across every level of consciousness.  These traveling photons are the energetic base to our background field.  The more we’re aligned to our natural SOL-based frequencies within, the more harmonic the externalized manifestation becomes.


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